An Ethical Dilemma

 Ethics of Researching Student Feedback | Magnetic Ideals

(Ethics of Researching Student Feedback, 2021)

Ethical Dilemmas... we hear about them, talk about them, see them posited in movies. But do they have a place in the classroom? Research is telling us it does. Students who are exposed to lessons regarding ethical dilemmas develop better decision-making skills, and can also develop crucial academic and social and emotional competencies (Lee, 2019).

(What Students Gain From Learning Ethics in School | KQED, 2019)

We live in a divided society. Perhaps, two years into a Global Pandemic, this is more evident than ever. This division is obvious to the children in our schools. They see it and they know it. Teaching ethical dilemmas is a natural fit. Yet most schools are not implementing this rationale (What Students Gain From Learning Ethics in School | KQED, 2019). What does a philosophical learner look like? UNSW has captured ethical instruction in action-

(UNSW, 2009)

Research suggests that all facets of a student's academic performance improves with ethical instruction. Standardized tests, reasoning skills- both verbal and non-verbal, evaluative and constructed arguements improved (What Students Gain From Learning Ethics in School | KQED, 2019). Yet ethical instruction is not integral to Nova Scotian curriculae. Why?

What do you think you could do to make ethical dilemma instruction key in your grade/subject? 


Ethics of Researching Student Feedback. (2021, July 13). Magnetic Ideals.

Lee, L. (2019, July 18). The Benefits of Teaching Ethical Dilemmas. Edutopia.

UNSW. (2009, March 20). Philosophy for children [Video]. YouTube.

What Students Gain From Learning Ethics in School | KQED. (2019, May 24). KQED.


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