Policy and Privacy: Or is it policing?

Teachers are well versed in protecting the privacy of our students. But are we as dilligent at protecting ourselves? 

privacy button on a computer

(Privacy Commitment, 2018)

Policy? Privacy?

Canada does not have a Federal office of education (Education Policy | the Canadian Encyclopedia, n.d.). Provinces and territories are responsible for the individual programs, curriculae and policies that ensure students are able to learn in a safe environment.  Policies are put in place to protect. But do they protect teachers? Or merely students?


(Vincent Lin, We Don’t Belong on Teachers’ Social Media, 2017)

Or is it Policing?

A 2017 communication the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) prepared and shared with teachers *suggested* that teachers not post photos of themselves on any social media platform in which they are "scantily clad" (We Don’t Belong on Teachers’ Social Media2017). Now, I don't know too many men who are described as "scantily clad" in summer atire... but I do know that phrase is often directed at women. So the OCDSB publication immediately gets my hackles up. At what point does the sharing of an image on a public platfrom- with whatever security the individual chooses- open an invitation to policing?

A Wake Up

(Ontario College of Teachers, n.d.)

While policies exist to protect the learners within our educational institutions, I feel that much work needs to be done to protect our teachers. 


Abril, P. S., Levin, A., & Del Riego, A. (2012). Blurred Boundaries: Social Media Privacy and the Twenty-First-Century Employee. American Business Law Journal49(1), 63-124.

Education Policy | The Canadian Encyclopedia. (n.d.). https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/education-policy

Maintaining Professionalism – Use of Electronic Communication and Social Media - Updated - Professional Advisory | Ontario College of Teachers. (n.d.). https://www.oct.ca/resources/advisories/use-of-electronic-communication-and-social-media

Privacy Commitment. (2018, May 23). Global Environmental. https://www.globalenvironmental.co.uk/privacy-commitment/

We don’t belong on teachers’ social media. (2017, January 16). The Journal. https://www.queensjournal.ca/story/2017-01-16/editorials/we-dont-belong-on-teachers-social-media/


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