Day One, well half of it...

Be proud. I woke up a little past 7am and laid in bed (sweet, sweet king sized bed) until my wake up call came at 8:30. You know how when you request a wake up and the automated voice scares you awake? Well, not here, some lovely woman called to wake me up. I then went to the breakfast mezzanine, alas, no other teachers there... but there was a performing troupe having breakfast in there... met one of them in the elevator. They were a nice chatty group. BUT, I was shocked to be asked if I wanted the smoking or the non-smoking side. Breakfast was interesting... seriously, curry at 9am? No thank you. But the veal bacon (honestly it tastes the same as "real" bacon), pancakes (nice and flat, they way they should be), fruit, and carrot juice were perfect. As were the two bottles of water (yes, I have been thirsty) and two pots of tea. At breakie I met two other teachers hired on, and 4 more from our flight joined in. We all decided to meet in the lobby for supper somewhere at 7. I am utterly clueless as to where to go, but, I do know the way to the Marina Mall AND I can get there via cab or bus. How's that for adjustment?!

The Marina Mall... well, I had a Starbucks but they don't make my favourite drink here so, Starbucks and I might be breaking up. Really, it was a good three years and I can't be bitter about it. No hard feelings 'bucks. Let's see... what else did I buy... sorry, this might be boring but, shampoo and conditioner, which, by the way, NO WHERE near each other on the shelf. I mean, they are a pairing, don't split them up... just because 'bucks and I might be over does not mean shampoo and conditioner need to be divorced. Bought all the girly bathroom things I didn't bother packing. Also bought a phone that will be activated tomorrow... (sorry, sidenote: my room is freaking cold. GD A/C). Got a chicken pizza for lunch and two large bottles of water, which the man would have delivered to my hotel room for me if I wanted. OH, the buses... it's gender segregation at its best! Some of the women couldn't figure out why we were taking the bus when there were cabs. Hmmmm... not sure either. Maybe just to figure it out!

There is a laundry across the road and I'll be dropping off my clothes there mid week... who knows how long I'll be in this hotel. Trust me, I am NOT rushing out this door.

So, now it's 5pm, supper in a couple of hours and I might have a nap. Had a note under my door from the school, they are coming to pick us up tomorrow morning to take us to the mall. This school might want to plan on keeping me a long time.

Cheers all!


  1. I love the first day of school means a trip to the MALL... i think Kim and I would have been teachers.. haha. Glad you are alive, safe and sound with lots of fun reflections along the way. I enjoyed reading it. Funny how travelling makes us feel so small and insignifcant yet the more you travel, the more significant you feel you understand that world... thats my mo ism for the day.... Nothing new here only that my Lubug that refused the sight of a spoon for the last 7 months has decided she needs a spoon and a fork to eat... so meal times have gotten alot LONGGer.... oh well. she stabbed a pancake and excuted the landing into her pie hole so we were happy parents. send your crazy 14 digit cell number... :) chat soon. Mo


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